Saturday 4 February 2012


Bloggers, kalian masih setia membaca artikel gue kan? Ayolaaah, masih kaaan? (maksa).
Nah, sekarang ini gue mau membahas sedikit mengenai Guiding (pemanduan). Buat kalian yang cita-citanya sama kayak gue  jadi pemandu wisata, informasi ini cukup berguna loh.

Secara garis besar, Guiding itu terbagi menjadi tiga:

● Opening
● Commentary
● Closing

Untuk commentary, ada beberapa hal yang lebih spesifik yang harus diperhatikan. Semisalnyan aja country and city in general, passing sight, interesting objects. Nah, sekarang kita bahas lebih lanjut ya…

● Opening

Opening atau pembukaan adalah bagian perkenalan. Bagian paling awal dari sebuah pemanduan. Paling awal dan sangat penting. Ingatlah: first impression is very important

Contoh: Ladies and gentlemen, how are you today? Well, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of my company SHINee Tour & Travel I wish you selamat pagi dan selamat datang di Jakarta. That is our common greeting which means: good morning and welcome to Jakarta. First for all, I would like to introduce our crew in this bus. For myself, my name is Sendi. I’m your guide today and I’m very pleased to accompany you today. In front of you is Mr. Edi as our driver today and his assistant is Mr. Jaja. Our tour program for today is visiting the National Museum and Ancol Dream Park.

● Commentary

Commentary adalah bagian penjelasan atau isi dari pemanduan. Biasanya berisi hal-hal menarik yang bsia kita jelasin ke turis, juga hal-hal unik yang hanya ada di negara kita untuk diberitau ke turis.

Contoh: Ladies and gentlemen, if you see to the right side, there is a unique transportation which you can only find in Jakarta. It is bajaj. It’s unique because usually other transportation  has four wheels, but bajaj only has three wheels, one on the front and two on the back. The color of bajaj is commonly orange and the rudder is same as the motorcycle’s rudder. On body side of bajaj was written the operation area that usually bordered only in one sub region. The capacity of bajaj is two or mostly three adults who will seat behind the driver. Bajaj has a very noisy sound and make us trembling if we seat in it. But bajaj can be very useful to pass the traffic jam in Jakarta. If want to take bajaj to travel somewhere, the cost will depend to the destination. It will be cheaper if near and will be more expensive if far. Bur of course we can bargain the cost as cheap as possible.

● Closing

Closing atau penutupan adalah bagian akhir sebuah pemanduaan dimana kita harus menutup pemanduan kita serta memberi kesan yang menyenangkan. Closing terdiri dari: addressing, information that tour is end, thanksgiving, remind the tourist of their personal belongings, dan farewell.

Contoh: Well, ladies and gentlemen, in a few more minutes we will arrive at the National Monument. On behalf of my company, SHINee Tour & Travel, I would like to say thank you very much for your attention and participation. Please make sure there are nothing left behind before you get down from the bus. See you at the next tour and have a nice day!

Well, sampai sini, semoga bermanfaat buat kalian Bloggers~


NIken said...

Maksihh atas postinganya. Terbantu banget kaak

Unknown said...

Closingnya cakep (y) thanks a lot atas ilmunya ^^

Unknown said...

Closingnya cakep (y) thanks a lot atas ilmunya ^^

Belinda said...


Unknown said...

Thanks mas, dialognya simple Dan mudah dipahami

Unknown said...

Kalau yang ngga di dalam bus ada contohnya kak??