Monday 23 January 2012

Miss Him Too Much!

Padahal lagi siap-siap buat Ujian Nasional Online, tapi otak malah cenderung condong ke makhluk yang satu ini... Gimana hidup bisa tenteram kalo begini terus??? (=__=")

Liat kan? Betapa babo tampangnya itu... Tapi kenapa Choi bisa jatuh cinta sama makhluk sebabo ini ya? Wah, otak Choi udah konslet nih... (=__=")

Sunday 15 January 2012

Bahasa Inggris

Yeaaay…! Akhirnya… selesai juga! Tiga artikel bahasa Inggris tentang bahasa Inggris. Tapi, belum selesai sampai disitu. Karena, tugasku masih ada. Yaitu menulis satu artikel lagi. Dan artikel satu ini, gue sengaja tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, supaya kalian-kalian yang males baca artikel bahasa Inggrisku, mau membaca artikel-artikel sebelumnya.

Jadi, pada intinya gue menulis keempat artikel ini, selain karena tugas juga buat mengajak kalian hengkang dari buta bahasa Inggris. Kalian harus tau kalau sekarang ini, bahasa Inggris bukan lagi hal yang wah, hal yang istimewa. Bahasa Inggris tuh udah kayak HP. Dulu, sepuluh  atau lima belas tahun yang lalu, HP adalah barang mewah yang hanya dimiliki oleh kalangan menengah ke atas. Tapi sekarang, HP itu bukan barang mewah lagi. HP adalah hal yang biasa. Malah udah menjadi kebutuhan untuk berkomunikasi. Ibaratnya nih, tukang somay aja punya HP. Ya kan? Nah, bahasa Inggris juga begitu. Dulu—zamannya Mama gue masih ABG—orang yang bisa bahasa Inggris itu di sanjung-sanjung mulu, yang kerenlah, yang hebatlah, yang apalah, pokoknya limpahan pujian membanjiri si orang-yang-bisa-bahasa-Inggris deh. Tapi sekarang? Orang bisa bahasa Inggris itu mah biasa! Udah hal yang lumrah. It’s not a special thing anymore. Nah, justru sekarang bahasa Inggris itu adalah KEBUTUHAN agar kita bisa berkomunikasi dengan dunia.

Jadi, setelah gue ngomong panjang lebar kali tinggi, ngalor ngidul, intinya kita HARUS belajar bahasa Inggris. Mau gak mau, ya harus mau. Itu udah jadi salah satu kebutuhan hidup di zaman globalisasi seperti sekarang ini. Kalian bisa liat? Nyaris segala aspek dalam kehidupan kita itu full of English. Hampir semua instruksi di komputer, bacaan di akun facebook dan twitter, bahkan tetek bengek yang kecil-kecil juga pakai bahasa Inggris. Nah, sekarang kalian terpaksa harus MAU belajar bahasa Inggris. Ya kan?

Pada dasarnya, orang yang bisa memotivasi kita untuk mau belajar bahasa Inggris adalah DIRI KITA SENDIRI. Sebenci apapun kalian sama bahasa Inggris, kalian harus memasang mind set kalian dengan, “Gue HARUS bisa bahasa Inggris”. Jadi, mau gak mau, ya mulailah buat belajar bahasa Inggris mulai dari hal yang menyenangkan (seperti apa? liat artikel gue yang sebelumnya. hehe).

Ehm. Kok kata-kata di atas kesannya bijak—sok bijak—ya? Abaikan. Anggap aja kata-kata barusan lagi mengalir aja dari benak gue. Well guys, I think just that all I wanna tell you. Jadi, tolong ya, pleaseee, baca artikel gue yang sebelumnya… biar kalian setidaknya termotivasi, walaupun gue sendiri sebenernya gak tau apa artikel-artikel gue yang gue tulis itu bisa memotivasi kalian. Mudah-mudahan aja bisa yaaa… Biar kita sama-sama belajar. Gue juga lagi belajar soalnya. Hehe. Yaudah, yang penting kalian baca dulu ya artikel-artikel gue. Jangan kalian abaikan.
Ok, gue sudahi sampai disini. Bye

Tips and Advices to Improve Your English

So, is that true that English influence our life? If yes, how? Well, my answer is simple. Yes, especially in our life for now on. In this global advance, in this technology era, everything is full of English. We can’t refuse that.

Well, as I told you in my previous article, I’m gonna make articles for the same purpose. To do my schoolwork and to open your mind about English. And this time I will share tips and advices that maybe will be useful for you to learn and improve your English. Well, actually… these advices are also mean to me. Because I’m not an expert. I also need to improve many things for myself. So don’t ever think that I have been doing all of these advices in my life. But, of course I’m trying hard to do it. Because I’m also learning. So let’s learn together.

Ok, let’s start from my first advice.

If you want to be able to speak English, first thing that you have to do is practice. Yeah, PRACTICE. You have to INSIST yourself to speak English, although only one word. Because if not, you’re not gonna be able to speak English.
You know? From my little observation, most people can’t speak English well, in fact they have learned English for five years, seven years, or even since they’re little! That prove us that the term we learn English won’t guarantee we CAN speak English. WHY? Here, let me explain it to you. There are four elements in English, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. And most people learn the reading and writing first in English. Right? They didn’t realize that the most important thing from those elements is SPEAKING. Because our MAIN purpose in learning English is to be able to speak English, right? For example, babies, they learn to talk and listen first. And after they’re expert in speaking and listening, they start to learn to read and write.
So, you have to PRACTICE it.

Next, you must start to READ English text, like story, brochure, newspaper, articles, etc. If you refuse and say, “I can’t read English. I even don’t understand those words!” That is bullshit. Hellooo wooorld??? What is the function of your DICTIONARY heh? Why don’t you just use it that lay it on your table. So, start from now on to read English text. You can start it by the light reading. Like comics, fairy tales, or even thin novels (This advice I got from my guiding teacher. He always ask us to bring our dictionary everywhere we go, to install English dictionary in our phone, and to read and read and read English everyday. And you know? He really does those advices in his life. Everyday. Amazing. Every time I saw him, he always been reading English stuff. He has many English dictionary, from thin until the thickest and biggest dictionary that I ever saw. I have to be like him. To learn and learn and learn, and never stop learning).

From reading English text, you will get many new vocabularies. And that will make you understand many words.

This one is the easiest advice. Start to WATCH movies. Of course the language must be in English. From here, you can learn how to pronounce a word, how to speak it, and how to improve your accent. For myself, I prefer the British accent. It’s a beautiful accent.

Try to SING English songs. Singing is an enjoying thing, so just keep it easy. Think that English is fun to learn. This will make you practice more in pronouncing words and to add your vocabularies. You can sing the lyrics if you didn’t memorize it.

The last but not least, ask your Mom or Dad, brother or sister, friends or teachers to speak English with you. It will built your confidence in speaking English. if you’re too afraid speaking face to face—like me, you can start it by chatting with friends in English. or you can invite foreign friends from all over the world to chat in English, it can be by facebook, twitter, e-mail, etc. I usually do that. Somehow, we actually don’t have to be afraid to speak English face to face. We’re not supposed to be scared if we talk wrong. Because English IS NOT our native language, right? If we’re not pronouncing English very well, so what? People don’t have any right to laugh at us!

Well… that are all my tips and advices. I hope it will be useful for you.

Friday 13 January 2012

What's Your Opinion About English?

Well, what is your opinion about English?

Maybe some people will say, “Well… it’s just English. What I have to say?” or “Wow, it’s a complicated language” or “It’s just an ordinary language, because I use it every day. Why are you asking me?” or “Aaa… It’s very difficult to speak English” or “It’s a very important language! We must be able to speak English, because everyone in the world speaks English!”.

I’ll agree with the last statement. From my previous article, I have told you that English is very important in our life. And now I want to tell you some opinions from my relevant about English. I will take a big line and make sure that you’re here to read this. I hope if read this article, you’ll open your mind and realize that English IS an important to learn. Besides it’ll also to prove my previous article.
So, if you want to study English, I suggest you to learn from now on. You don’t have to be worry that you’re late in learning English. You know the word late is better than nothing? Yeah, that’s right. Study from now on, or you got nothing than regret.

I’ll tell you a little story of mine. I have a friend, just call her X. She’s really expert in English. When we’re both together, we usually speak English in our conversation—although it’s only a word. But, the awkward thing is I never speak English if there’s anyone besides us. You know why? Because, I’m a chicken. And I know I’m not supposed to do that ridiculous thing. It’s stupid, you know…  I really amazed with X. X is a very confident person, she’s able to speak Bahasa or even English everywhere she wants. And the amazing thing is that she never cares about what people said about her, like, “How could be she’s so proud of herself???”. She always says, “No matter what people say, this is me”. And that hit me right to the point just like her eyes said, “I speak English because I want to. And I don’t have to be worry what people say about me. I’m practicing! Because I’m learning! What’s wrong with that hah?!”.

And the question is WHY am I amazed with her? The answer is BECAUSE she can speak English without caring people said she’s so proud of herself. Because she WANT to speak English. Because she WANT to learn. Yes. What’s wrong with those people? And now—when I’m writing this article—I successfully regret all what I have done. I’m a stupid chicken, right?

And from that experience, if there’s anyone whisper to me about X, I’ll say, “No. she’s right. She speak English because she’s practicing. Because you must practice your English or you won’t be able to speak English”.

For myself, I’m a very introvert person. So, I think I have to learn harder to start a conversation—with anyone—in English. Because for an introvert person, it’s very difficult to start a conversation, even in Bahasa. But from X, I learn how to be brave to start a conversation and how we don’t have to be afraid about what people’s opinion about us when we speak English. Because, we have to confident of our self. But I admitted that she really has AN over confident. It’s an opposite thing from me. Sometimes I think that I’m jealous with her, because why I can just think as simple as her. I always think about people’s opinion about me. And it’s a bit frustrating me.

And also at home, my Mom is quite well in English. She always ask me to speak English. Well, actually she almost speak English every day. But, you know, what is the stupid thing that I’ve done—again? I answer all her question in Bahasa. I don’t have much confident to speak English, even in my own house. With my own Mom. What a terrible! Well, I know I have to try harder to face my introvert disease. And really realized that I HAVE TO be confident in speaking English from now on. It’s a must. I know. Since I learn the mind set of X, I try to open my mind and I can be able to spill my opinion that speaking English is not a wrong thing. We can start by practicing it with our Mom, Dad, or our brother, sister, or even with our friends.

Another opinion about English comes from my other friend, just call him Y. Y he’s a very enthusiastic person. He likes to speak English with me. He really trying hard to improve his English since we’re in the Vocational School. Obviously. And you know what? Now he can speak English very well. For me, it’s really a fantastic achievement. Someday, I told him that I just fail a test of a lesson, and he answered, “Maybe your effort is not enough hard”. That really slap me and make me realize that he’s right. To reach anything, it needs a hard work. I learn from him that to improve our English, we need a very big effort. And that effort must take action from now on. Not later, not tomorrow, not after tomorrow, or not even next month. But from now on.

How Important Is English In Our Life?

Honestly, I made this article to fulfill my schoolwork. My IT schoolwork. But no matter what, it’s really important to all of you to read this article. This article is gonna tell you how important is English in your life. This is not a valid article, but it’s only kind of my opinion about English. Maybe it’ll help you to find out the importance of English. So, happy reading…

English IS a very important thing for us. You can see that about ten years ago, if there’s anyone who can speak English, it’ll be a rare thing. Such as an extra ordinary thing. But now, people who can speak English is not a special thing. Because now, to speak English not only a surplus, but it’s a MUST. It happened because from year to year English become very important for every single part in our life. It’s because we live in a global advance, right?
So, for now on, we supposed to speak English.

The question now is, WHY English become very important in our life?
I’ll start from myself. I’m just an ordinary student. But, I absolutely think that English is very important, because I don’t wanna think local. Because I have to think global. You have to reset your mind set if you think that you’ll spend whole your life only in your country, only in your country. Throw that primitive think! Hellooo??? There’re SO MANY places in this whole world that you can visit! And it’s not an impossible thing that you’ll visit one of them. And if you do, of course you can’t just stop speaking with other people because you don’t understand their language. That WHAT is English for.

If you ask me, “Do you really think that you’re able to go to other countries?”. My answer will be, “YES. I’m going to London in the future”. Be optimistic guys. Everything IS possible!

Ever heard about scholarship to another country? Do you know what is one of the condition to get that scholarship? You must got score 550 in TOEFL test. That prove us that English IS important. Besides scholarship, you can also realize that every single account—facebook, twitter, yahoo messenger, etc—are using English as an introduction. Right?

And if you chat with people around the world, what language will they use to speak with you. Yup, English. They won’t speak Spanish, or Korean language, or even Japanese language, no. But they’ll speak English. That’s one more reason WHY English is important.

So, what else can I prove to you that English IS important in our life?