Thursday 23 May 2013

Dotta's Quotes

Hello there Landers! I come back! Haha, I think I need to share you my fave quotes from Dotta's (Dindott's) blog. So, check it out!

Source : Kotak Merah

  • "Will you stay awake for me?". Dia jawab, "Of course i will". ("Will you stay awake for me?". He answered, "Of course i will".) -Dotta
  • Maybe the best day of my life. When I clicked 'Start new chat' on Omegle I never could have imagined it would lead to all this! It was ssooooooooo unlikely we would ever meet, but we did, it is like fate or something; whatever it is, thank you! -Joshua
  • In a few years we can look back at these times apart and be happy, our relationship will survive the distance easily and it will prove that we have true love. -Joshua
  • Namun aku lupa bahwa Tuhan memiliki kemampuan untuk menjadikan sesuatu yang paling tidak mungkin menjadi mungkin. (But I forgot that God has a power to make impossible things become possible.) -Dotta
  • Kau dengan mata birumu, aku dengan mata hitam kecoklatanku. Kau dengan rambut coklat keemasanmu dan aku dengan rambut hitam-tak-pekatku. (You with your blue eyes, me with my black brownish eyes. You with your brown blodish hair, and me with my not-so-black hair.) -Dotta
  • Meskipun aku menemui banyak sekali rintangan yang harus aku hadapi. Tetapi aku teringat dengan apa yang pernah Socrates katakan bahwa, "Hidup yang tak teruji adalah hidup yang tak layak untuk dihidupi." (Although I have face many problems in my life, but I remember what Socrates said that, "The unexamined life is not worth living.") -Dotta
  • Pencarian jalan keluar memang takkan pernah sia-sia. Cukup percaya kalau kita pasti bakal menemukannya... (Seeking the path to take us out from problems will never be useless. Just trust that we'll find the way out...) -Dotta
  • Karena kalau nanti kubuka kotaknya, aku akan merasa kau tetap berada disini, disampingku. Di dunia yang sama-sama kita ciptakan untuk selalu bersama. Tapi setelah aku tutup lagi, aku akan kembali lagi ke kenyataan dimana kau jauh disana, tak bisa menyentuhmu, tak bisa memainkan rambutmu, kehilangan tawamu, dan tak merasakan kau bernafas di dekatku. (Because when I open the box, I'll feel you're still here, beside me, in the world we made to always be together. But then when I closed the box, I'll come back to the real life where you're not here, far away, I can't touch you, I can't play your hair, I lost your laugh, and I can't feel your breath near to me.) -Dotta
  • I love you more than anything, I swear I'm crying. -Dotta
  • Dinda, I think that you are the most special girl in the world, I travelled 20 hours to meet you and I have had a wonderful time. You are my dream girl, I can't wait to marry you my love. I feel like the luckiest boy in the world each time I think of you. My heart belongs to you Dinda. I love you so much!"

    Dinda, I love you.


    It's... emotionally make me feel like I was just reading a fairy tale from somewhere far far away... :')

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